ShareFile is a document and file sharing service designed to provide safe storage of important information. Provided by IT services firm Citrix, Sharefile is maintained by Provost IT and securely hosted in the cloud.

ShareFile provides secure file sharing, storage, syncing and more, in a solution built around security and enterprise businesses. It features a number of advanced security features including bank-level encryption, file change and download notifications, two-factor authentication with Provost accounts, and external auditing to ensure the integrity of any data it stores. At the same time, it is also easy-to-use and supports sharing files across devices and with those external to USC.

ShareFile can additionally support the storage and regulated sharing of certain types of high-risk data. For more information on its data security and compliance feature set, as well as how it meets USC policy for storing confidential data, contact Provost IT.

More information on ShareFile’s feature set can be found at the link below, and Provost IT is always available to help determine if it is a solution that can meet the needs of you or your department.

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  • Staff, faculty, and invited users in the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs
Data Security
  • Approved to store high-risk data, with the exception of payment card and personal health information
  • Charged to each department on a per named user basis. Contact Provost IT for the most up-to-date pricing information.