While we don’t offer website templates in the traditional sense, we can work with you to build a customized website to suit the complexity of your needs. 

What’s the difference between a theme and a template?

When building your website, you shouldn’t be limited to which theme to use. Every WordPress theme is different and functions differently and you should have the freedom to choose the right one.

There are a lot of themes out in the world and we will work with you to select the best theme to get the job done.

We have access to many premium themes as well as all the themes available in the WordPress Repository.


While we don’t offer website templates, we can set up websites configured to the following styles.

ThemeMore InfoSites UsedNeeds
Genesis Frameworkhttps://wpengine.com/studiopress-themes/ (filter for Accessibility Ready)Ombuds | First Generation Plus Center | Student Basic NeedsSimple
Provost TwentyTwentyOnehttps://prvalpha02dev.wpengine.com/Advise USC Program | Summer ExperienceSimple
Tommy’s Themehttps://prvitweb.wpengine.com/tommys-themeMilitary & Veterans Initiatives | Recreational Sports | Office of Student Accessibility ServicesComplex
Neve Theme Option 1https://themeisle.com/themes/neve/Center for Black Cultural & Student AffairsComplex
Neve Theme Option 2https://themeisle.com/themes/neve/The Graduate SchoolComplex
Neve Theme Option 3https://themeisle.com/themes/neve/Undergraduate ProgramsSimple
X Themehttps://theme.co/x?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvoW2iJHs6AIV3x-tBh04LQxyEAAYASAAEgIczvD_BwELeave of Absence | Academic Honors & FellowshipsExpert