Dropbox is a popular, user-friendly and cloud-based file storage and sharing service which allows users to store unlimited quantities of files.

Dropbox allows users to have a designated folder on their computer, similar to a Provost “U” or “G”-drive, where they can place and organize files and folders as well as shared selected ones with others, either within or outside of USC. Provost IT’s Dropbox agreement also allows users to have unlimited storage, meaning they may store as many files and folders as they wish within the service. Unlike a network share, Dropbox also keeps a copy of your files on your computer, so you don’t need USC network access to get to your data. Dropbox also features an intuitive and mobile-friendly app and web interface to securely access your files on-the-go as well.

Provost IT’s Dropbox offering is also more cost-effective than a personal Dropbox account and also has enhanced security features built-in. Additionally, you can use your USC Provost account to sign in to the service, meaning there is no need to manage a separate username password just for Dropbox.

Other features

Dropbox subscriptions also include tools such as Dropbox Paper, which allow you to collaborate with others on shared documents, ideas and files in a format similar to Google Docs.

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  • Staff, faculty, student workers and iVIPs within departments supported by Provost IT
Data Security
  • Approved to store high-risk data
  • This service has a fee per user per year. For details and the latest rates, please contact Provost IT.