Provost accounts, also known as Active Directory accounts, allow users to login to workstations and laptops, file shares, Laserfiche servers, and other Provost resources and services.

Provost accounts are unique credentials used to authenticate to a variety of Provost resources. They consist of a username and password.

Your Provost account is unique to you, and its username will always match your Information Technology Services-issued NetID/username. The password for your Provost account will additionally sync with your USCNet ID password, although Provost accounts themselves accounts are different from a USC NetID.

Once your Provost account is assigned to you, its username may not be changed unless your USC NetID is changed. Additionally, one individual may not have multiple Provost accounts.

By default, a newly-created Provost account may login to Provost IT-supported computers at various locations around campus. Adding additional services or permissions to that account, such as file share or Laserfiche access, will require special instructions upon the creation of the account, or a ticket to be submitted at a later time.

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  • Staff, faculty, student workers and iVIPs within departments supported by Provost IT
Data Security
  • Approved as a method of authentication into systems which store low, medium and high-risk data
  • Free for eligible users